Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sekolah Satu Sistem

Bravo Mukhriz. It takes a person like u to propose something that should been done long time ago. The irony is, when u proposes this, the chinese and the Indian said u were touching the sensitive issues. LKS said, kewujudan SJK sudah ada dlm perlembagaan, tak leh sentuh lagi. He further said, ada lima perkara tak boleh sentuh, i.e., Hak istimewa Melayu/Bumiputera, Raja2, B.Melayu, Agama Islam . Tapi setiap bulan / sesi parlimen LKS dan konco2nya sentuh pasal BM, Raja2, Agama Islam, eh takpe lak!. hanya orang gila/ atau bermentaliti budak2 boleh bercakap begini!. Hubaya2 orang2 Melayu/bumiputera yang dok menyokong puak2 sedemikian.

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